‘Thelma and Louise’ on Volcanic Moonscape of Lanzarote

Lanzarote, the most volcanic island in Spain’s Canary archipelago, is comprised entirely of volcanoes ranging from 15 million to 300 years old. The newer landscape was largely created by a volcanic eruption in the 1730s that covered it with lava and ash, expanding it several square kilometers and destroying villages. Today, this eruption is frozen in time, giving life to a black “moonscape” of craters and bizarre shapes with streaks of red, orange and yellow. Driving across this island brought “Thelma and Louise” back to life as well.

Denmark is about 50 times smaller than Greenland with only 2 percent of its land space (43,000 vs. 2 million km2). However, Greenland has 1 percent of Denmark’s population (58,000 vs. 5.9 million).